Commuting is to life what a treadmill is to exercise. You’re moving but you’re not getting ahead. If you know how to leverage it commuting can be a net positive to your life. In fact a long commute can be the greatest thing to ever happen to you.
For five years I commuted 80 minutes each way to my job. I had no time to myself (I didn’t even have a child at the time!), no time for my wife, and no energy to make anything happen in my life. That was the case for more than a year until I determined to make the best of the situation and leverage the time I had while I was commuting into improving my life when I wasn’t. It was trial and error, experimenting, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and in the end reframing what was important in my life. A hundred mile commute could have been the worst thing that happened to me, a death sentence. What I learned improved my life and I’m going to share everything I learned with you.